HLPOA Annual Meeting Notes
DATE: Saturday August 6th, 2022 LOCATION: Hideaway Camp, Paul Lindsay host
- Meeting began at 10:10 am
- Merchandise orders were distributed
- Attendance sheet circulated to confirm quorum met
Chris Haist, Association President, welcomed everyone and introduced the executive:
Tara Boyd, Vice-President
Sharon Thomson, Treasurer
Lynn Pearson, Secretary
- Chris congratulated Pat and Ken Page on their 65th wedding Anniversary
Minutes from 2021 AGM were reviewed.
Motion to approve minutes was made by Pat Page, seconded by Allanna Kernahan.
The Ontario Lake partner program is a volunteer program that samples over 800 lakes in Ontario. Horn Lake has been submitting data to the Ministry of The Environment since 1992.
Horn Lake is an Oligotrophic lake. By definition, these lakes are low in nutrient content have low primary productivity and these deep lakes have Cold Waters which allow them to hold considerable amount of dissolved oxygen through the water column this is why all the traffic lakes can provide suitable habitat for cold water fish pieces such as lake trout and lake whitefish. 62% of the Lakes in Ontario are Oligotrophic.
** It should be noted that contact with the Lake Partners Program has been poor. I still do not have a response on the water sample for 2021. As a recap, the following is Horn Lake data collection from 2020.
- Phosphates: Ministry of Environment did not publish 2021 Phosphates data points. Historical data trends show that over 3 years, levels have not dramatically increased. As a note, phosphates come from natural erosion or from septic leakage.
- Calcium: Records have been maintained since 2008 and represent the health for organic development and the microscopic level. Horn Lake continues to under perform in this measurement. Indicating a 1.5 mg/L up from 1.4 mg/L the previous year. Min threshold for proper microscopic zooplankton development is 1.5.
- Chloride: The Lake Partner program is now testing for. Increased levels of Chloride can be toxic to some aquatic life and also increase corrosivity of water which can affect infrastructure and drinking water quality. Horn Lake is reporting .88 mg/L well below the concerned threshold.
- Clarity: Horn Lake continues to maintain good clarity of 5.5m an identical reading of the previous year. *Based on my secchi disk readings for the 2021 year
We are looking to expand water quality programs
Discussion: Free water testing kits are available from the Burk’s Falls Municipal office (across from the Home Hardware Store).
TREASURER’S REPORT (for 2021) - Sharon Thomson
Opening bank balance $4,182.04 (2020: $2,329.68)
Closing bank balance $6,698.69 (2020: $4,182.04)
Merchandise net income: $2,100.75 (2020: $1,361.30)
Membership: 73: renewals 55, new 17 (2020: 63)
2022 key items to date (August 25, 2022):
Bank balance $7,775.36
Membership: 61: renewals 58, new 3
Rick provided a detail explanation of where we have been, and what is happening now. His personal goal is to “leave the lake as we found it 40+ years ago”
Points covered included:
- 2021 we went into winter with spring water levels
- Concerns that the lake doesn’t get low enough to preserve trees
- Photos were passed around showing deterioration of land & properties
- Rick cautioned against focus being shifted to fish impact, as this could allow Magnetawan to defer to MNR, rather than addressing the culvert issue directly.
Action items:
- Suggestions were made to get the media involved to get Magnetawan Council’s attention
- Address for Township will be posted for individuals to lodge complaints
- Chris Haist will compile a list of questions property owners can send to candidates ahead of the October election.
- Nancy Anderson-Punter suggested people going live or submitting their personal property damage on social media and tagging Magnetawan Council.
- Mike Bossy suggested providing an online petition to have council approve repair/replacement of culvert
- Lorrie Lavis & Nancy Anderson Punter volunteered to go door-to-door to help create awareness/sign petition.
Tara introduced the revised constitution with key changes being - voting membership vs non-
voting memberships, and the ability to re-elect volunteers for an additional two years.
Terms of Reference, and Bylaws were made available on the Horn Lake website
prior to the meeting.
Terms of Reference and Bylaws were approved by ordinary resolution. Approved amended bylaws are available on our website hornlake.ca
Motion: to keep executive as-is for two more years. - Ann Bowman
Seconded: - Allanna Kernahan
Motion carried.
- Stop Sign at Rodeo Road and North Horn – Bev Ross
Chris will reach out to Magnetawan township to make the request. General public requests are also encouraged.
- Discussion to implement legal fund
Motion by Darrell Jarvis: “To empower the current executive to establish a legal fund regarding water levels, retain legal council and write a letter on behalf of the Horn Lake Cottage Association membership.”
Seconded by: Vince Kacaba
- Insurance Policy
Bruce Pearson requested that copies of the policy can be made available. Please ask for a copy by contacting us at hello@hornlake.ca
- Boat Parade:
Ken Page recommended that the boat parade remain a Canada Day weekend event
Chris Haist thanked Paul Lindsay for hosting and all for attending
2023 AGM will be Saturday, July 9th at Hideaway Camp
Motion to adjourn - Steve Riley
Seconded - Mike Bossy
Meeting Adjourned 12:00